2025 Season #5Lively Seniors Having Fun!

Last updated: 11/15/2024

Practices and ratings at the Palm Desert Civic Center Fields will begin at 9 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, begining November 18. New Players must attend a minimum of three (3) rating sessions in December.

Full time players click here for 2025 SSPD Registration Forms. Please fill out and sign both forms and bring them to the ballpark with you.

Sub List players click here for 2025 SSPD Sub List Forms. Please fill out and sign both forms and bring them to the ballpark with you.


Welcome to the 2025 league. This league is for recreation and friendship. Although it is good competition, it is emphasized that sportsmanship is the primary purpose. The skill level varies, as does the age of players, men 60+ and women 50+.

Our league is set up to play double headers either on Tuesdays or Thursdays depending on the schedule. Games start at 9:00 am and we finish about 12 Noon. It will be a 10-week schedule from mid-January to mid-March, with a picnic on the last day of play. Awards will be given out at that time. The finalized schedule will be posted as soon as teams are formed.

Each team will have the maximum of 10-11 players depending on the number of players signed up. Therefore it is extremely important that you commit yourself to the schedule. You can play 2 games a day if your schedule allows. If this is not possible, you can become a substitute.

Please note that there are always too many requests for players wanting to play together. Since it would be difficult to honor all requests, we keep an open rating system and chose the teams in our normal manner.

Joe Tucker
Cell: 760-393-1585
Email: joeltucker55@gmail.com

Paul Jones
Cell: 586-292-0253
Email: lindasarah32@hotmail.com

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